Step 1 - FREE Site Inspection with clients
We meet our clients on site for a FREE site inspection. We will discuss your site and any features of your land that need to be addressed before building commences along with the orientation of your home taking into consideration the solar aspects for warmth and cooling.
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Step 2 - Designing your new home...
Planning starts with our drafting team listening to each and everyones needs and ideas. In the comfort of our office you will be able to discuss with our draftsperson what size you would like your home to be and what your building budget is so we can accommodate you in both areas.
Step 3 - Drafting your design
Sketches are drawn for the approval of clients whilst taking into consideration your site & its physical characteristics.
At this stage your sketches are only preliminary which will allow you to make any changes or ask questions regarding room sizes, window styles, door openings, storage needs etc.
Step 4 - Quotation
Pricing starts when clients are completely satisfied with their design. Once floor plan has been finalised we move onto the next step of providing you with a quotation. Throughout this process we endeavour to seek pricing for quality materials from suppliers at the best price available to us. If you wish to complete any work yourself now is the time to let us know. When quotation is finalised we will contact you and organise a time suitable to come in and sit down with us to go over the quotation.
Step 5 - Lodging your plans
Quotations are a fixed price and on acceptance of quotation the plans are drawn for council approval. Your plans are now ready to be drawn for council. Included in our set of plans: Site Plan, Floor Plan, Elevations, Sections, Basix requirements.
These will be lodged to Council along with a complete set of engineering plans, home owners warranty certificate and a bushfire assessment if required. Whilst waiting on approval from council this will allow you time to finalise your finances in readiness for signing of contracts.
Step 6 - Contract Agreement
Contracts are signed after Construction Certificate approval from council. We will organise your contracts for you to be signed and discuss your deposit requirements so your new home can be started within the next 21 days. Now the fun starts for you to start selecting your personal inclusions (door handles, taps, bathroom fittings, tiles, appliances and the list goes on. We will help you throughout this process to make it more enjoyable.
Step 7 - Building your home
The building process is started with continued liaison with clients.
We will organize for the plumber and electrician to meet you on site to go over positioning of all outlets. Throughout the building of your new home you may want to make small changes eg. moving a light switch or power point, adding extra ones, changing paint colour. We give you the price for this in writing before extra work done, once accepted we will than go ahead.
You will make your progress payments as written in your contract. We will send you an invoice for each progress as work is completed.
Step 8 - Inspect your new dream home
Completion of Your Home.
When your home is finished you will be able walk through and inspect before making your final payment and reflect on what you, your ideas and thoughts along with us at Peter Klasen Homes have achieved.
Step 9 - Move in to your home
Moving in to Your Home.
You have just built your dream home, so sit back and relax and enjoy living in your custom built home with your family. We will only be too happy to organize a time for any maintenance work you feel needs to be attended to after you have settled into your home for a 13 week period from completion date.